Friday, 25 April 2014

Day 3 - What is left to do on a blog then if the external process has been exposed as 'the game'

What is left to do on a blog then if the external process has been exposed as 'the game'?

I could pretend I'm doing process, and get pats on the back from fellow external process-ees for doing self-forgiveness = masturbation (at this point, unless to teach another that genuinely requires a guilt removal tool, if I actually engage in self-forgiveness publicly, it is masturbation).

My starting point could be: To share a completely honest view of each day of my life as it happens to me and different obstacles that come up, to share... this is good and it sounds practical and it may assist others. So as long as my starting point is to assist others unconditionally using self-honesty, I can strive to ever be more and more specific in my external reality so that I can express to people exactly what I see (and them 'getting it') and not 'beat around the bush'.

Exactly defining something kills it. As soon as you put your finger on it exactly it becomes a button that can be pressed and it can be turned off. The reason we have so much trouble is because have found it hard to know exactly what the trouble is.

We have actually done this deliberately.

We wished to be deceived. We wanted this. We wanted to leave the 'reasonable reality' we existed in prior to this experience to experience something 'different' in order to escape our guilt.

So now, in order to fix this mess which is this world, we will have to exactly find out what is going on.

This requires honesty and the tools provided by Desteni are honestly useful and universally usable by everyone that has access to a computer to visit the website.

Desteni has however become a means by which to generate capital, this is necessary for survival of Desteni to a point. Look at the price of the membership for the process-ees is 200 euro a month. Who can afford this but the very elite. Literally, the people that can afford this live in the top 1% of the current economic stratum.

Not only this exhorbitant entrance fee for being a part of the internal-external Desteni process but also books and online books at that (no paper or hard physical thing to have as satisfaction of purchase) are being sold for 10 - 15 euro a piece .

=  =


If Desteni's aim really was to serve the public and give its very important and honestly usable truth unconditionally it would not put such a price on it.

For this reason amongst others, 'truth' cannot be bound to one group.

Alas, equality is not exclusive to Desteni.

Desteni will play a part and is playing a part. Good for Desteni!

However, to those with the same intentions that wish to reach the rest of economic reality (the other 99% of society) the truth is theirs to use and spread.

Intent = Outcome
Intent guided by will is far more powerful than intent ('starting point') being unconsciously driven.
The right knowledge and the right uses of this knowledge is available to those who will use it. The availability of this knowledge is unconditional (aka not limited to a 'Portal').

What Bernard has really created is an equality Demon. An entity that narcissistic-ally fights a black magick (egoic magick) reality with black magick methods and techniques for a white magick outcome.

This is contradictory. Black is destruction. To those that join in the 'Desteni fight' will and are helping the system to collapse and become something different but only at the sacrifice of themselves, the self has to be destroyed at the end of it and this is contradictory to all as one as equal - equality means the self included too, so not sacrificing self for the sake of saving the others.

To those inside the Desteni circle there is no way to understand how you have become what you are unless you can relate from your own experience to being raised in a religious home. Perspective in religion is closed circuit, there is an answer for everything and everything is accounted for in a reality where if you don't cut the buck you end up on the adverse side of 'God's Will', still achieving the will of God in some degree but under the belief that you are working against it due to your requirement to disconnect with Him.

Well in the Desteni reality this is no longer God's Will, it is Bernard's Will.

Bernard taught me many things and without him I would not have such an understanding of reality as I have it now, nor would I have as much control over my physical self, or as deep an understanding of the true and usable uses of Will, Intention and the resultant Magick that comes with it.

Crowley masked these words in different places within his Desteni format styled reality view.

Will was condensed to Breathing (which is the most direct format that can be used for Will, because in Breath we induce Prana which can be stored and used. To convince someone with the obsession that their Will IS their Breath is to give them the deeds to their 'grandfather's Castle inheritance.' It puts the power in the hands of the user directly. But with so much power there comes conditions and while breath is the underlying teaching that gives Desteni its oomph... The followers do not see that the path they took into Desteni led them to a subtle domain of manipulation which as a bi-product puts their power (their Will) indirectly in their hands. To break away from Desteni for most Destonians would also be a loss of self-empowerment because their starting point for breath was not themselves but rather the very predictable subtle intention of 'belonging in a group and believing I am doing the right thing.'

'Intention' in Desteni was simply put - Starting Point.

Magick, well, magic is Self-Correction, Self-Empowerment, Self-Honesty.

Self-forgiveness is a way of removing guilt, 'cause guilt is unnecessary and can get in the way of so much.

Once enough self-forgiveness is done the brain gets used to the idea of forgiving itself for everything and from that point on all self-forgiveness may as well be masturbation.

It's nice, it makes you feel good. That's the way Bernard intended it to be used.

What I am trying to make you senior Destonians understand is that this was a planned structure from the start.

Bernard said himself, after visiting the masters and discovering the state of the bullshit reality and the lack of willingness for anyone in actual powerful ability to do anything about it, driven by anger, he desired to be and create the biggest demon imaginable.

He has spoken many things that are incongruent with the Desteni teachings, but because you were under his spell/hypnosis (not specifically directly, mainly indirectly due to your desire to achieve 'gnosis' (whatever that whiz bang definition is for you!) and unwillingness to do it on your own steam looking for the closest thing that will do to ease the pain you feel when you think of all the children that are dieing all over the world) you never saw what he was actually teaching YOUR BODIES.

Maybe now you will.



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